If God has three branches, why not the U.S. government?

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He says he wants “Congress to take back its constitutional authority.”

Who the fuck does he think PASSED Obamacare into law?

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I just had a bracing thought - what if the wingnuts find a suitable female wingnut to nominate for a vacancy. I'm thinking Lynn Cheeeneee in my worst nightmare. That would be truly awful, like Scalia with (maxi-pad)wings, and she'd live even longer, statistically. It would just be unbearable. Please tell me this could never happen.

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Who's there? We're here, but we're fucking smashed, come back tomorrow evening!

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what do you expect from someone whose middle name is lampshade?

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I like how Rep. Jim Bridenstine has compressed all three branches of the government into him. Talk about efficient.

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To be fair, her husband hasn't the first idea what the Supreme Court does either, so he's probably quite badly misinformed her.

Also, somebody should probably explain to her the difference between "leadership" and "futility", because she appears to have them conflated.

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OT looks like the wingnuts have fallen for another one- they just can't help themselves, can they? <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/11/paul-kru...">http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

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If you call her a fat morning drinker, might you be sued?

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Ginny is just mad because she never gets a can of coke.

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Ginny is working for Liberty Tax Service?

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I do not like her, Sam I am.

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Love v. Virginia.

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would that be Alito?

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