Wrong post. But agreed.

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Rex, you have a good point. The person/people responsible for taking it to probate court get a bit less leeway, though. By the time that happened, a few days ago, it's hard to believe that anyone in that city hadn't seen the name many times in the news.

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Because, well, Cleveland ferchristssake...

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They'll probably use it to buy some-ahem- "chili".

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whispers...(inapprops, dude...in. a. propes.)

...funny though!

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It keeps my homicide needle in the green zone...

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I stopped wishing for that a long time ago. I observed boy children are perfectly capable of making sticks into play guns, then grow up to invent ways to peacefully study whale snot.

OTOH, there are probably those who were forbidden any sort of war toys, but grew up to be Ted Nugent.

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NYT "In Tamir Rice Shooting, Cleveland Rescinds $500 Bill in Medical Costs"http://www.nytimes.com/2016...

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What is this, Chicago?

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I can't wait to see what kind of Grindr profiles pop up!

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The Mayor is claiming that this was due to something that Tamir's lawyer caused to happen by making a open records request, because Medicaid (which was supposed to pay part of the bill) required it. That's just stupid enough that it might be the truth, but someone should have caught this before it got sent.

I have to say that I am terribly disappointed in Mayor Jackson about this whole mess. He's been strangely passive since this began, and I can't figure out why.

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Tamir's problem is that he's still black, dead or alive, and Cleveland just ain't gonna put up with that.

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What sucks is that, technically, it was the City of Cleveland by way of its police department that killed Tamir Rice for no other reason than scaring the shit out of one of their pussy-ass Rambo-wannabe cops with a toy gun. Now they have the nerve to send a bill to his family. Fuck Cleveland.

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Everything is terrible.

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Tell me again about the wonderful way the US pays for its health system.

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Who had a better orchestra Cleveland or the Titanic? Answer - Titanic

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