What about Mr Ghazi?

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Because the electoral college gives disproportionate power to the racist, poorly educated, gun-humping yahoos in flyover country, and the damn Democrats are too busy being polite to do anything about it.

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No, Obama should not be breaking norms. He did his job. He is still doing his job; you just don't understand what his job is.

At some point the responsibility falls on us. Obama pointed the way; he lived the example. If we can't follow, it really doesn't matter what he does.

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She won the contest, too. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip.....

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Obama COULD wait until after the midterms to raise money for his library. Five hundred million dollars is a lot of money, and unlike Republicans, we don't have a bottomless pit of soulless billionaires who will pump hundreds of millions of dollars into elections so they can get billions of dollars in tax cuts.

Obama SHOULD be breaking norms (and so should the Bush family) because we have a completely lawless president, and a congress that's willing to roll over and play dead for him.

All I can do is hope that we win the midterms, and we can stop this asshole in his tracks, and then get rid of him for good in 2020.

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Economic anxiety?

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Boy, you guys really dodged a bullet by not electing this competent, thoughtful, intelligent woman instead of a barely functioning carnival barker. Emails, amirite?

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Obama has to raise money for his Presidential library. They would love nothing more than for him to be denied this stamp of legitimacy. It would save them having to burn it down.

Obama doesn't owe us anymore. He did his part. That said, him staying off the radar is good politics. Past presidents are supposed to be non-political. Obama can't break that norm. He has to act as the last five white presidents did. If he was out there barnstorming, the Right would use that to fundraise.

If Hillary had won in 2008, we would be in virtually the same situation. The backlash is less against Obama and more against all the gains liberalism has made. Gay marriage and health care are just the headline items. Men doing more housework, women becoming breadwinners, young people accepting gays and fighting for gun control - this is what they are fighting against.

This fight was always coming.

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Yeah, *this*. If she'd been like this during the campaign, the "shrilly harpy" shit would have never let up. Never.

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I loved it. Don't read the Graun as religiously as some, so didn't notice her interview. I appreciate that Our Editrix graced us with the pointer.

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THE COOKIES! GODDAMMIT! YES! "Oh, I could have stayed home and baked cookies, but instead I went out and made a career as a lawyer" (and OBTW, the family breadwinner). GODDAMMIT! And for THAT, they made her run some fucking cookie-recipe contest? Ooohh, I'll never get over that shit!

When I was in grad school, at least some of us wished we could end up marrying Hillary's younger sister [who may or may not exist, we never looked into it. But we weren't Rhodes Scholars, and not Bill, and 21, so Hillary seemed out of our league.]

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I'm still waiting for the first foreign tourist "incident" because of MAGA apparel.

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He's a very bright guy, so I honestly don't get it.

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The weird thing about the businessmen can fix theory is that not even a business, if it was well-run, would hire a CEO who had no experience as a CEO or in that industry. (Also too, I agree 1000% that the government isn't a business and shouldn't be run like one.)

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Are you kidding me?!? She couldn't even bake cookies with her daughter without her security detail leaking it and having it bruited about as an attempt to repair her fractured reputation as a ball-buster.

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Fair point, that..

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