Happy hatching day, Glorious Communist Editrix!

And I think her 'saying' means that in order to make enough to eat well, you have to do immoral things.

Well, of course that doesn't sit well with the <strike>Prosperity</strike> GOP Gospel...

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Great with an Oblivium chaser.

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<i>when I was on Dancing with the Stars, <b>especially the first time</b>..."</i>

There was a <i>second</i> time! These truly are the End Times.

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She did well with the Prosperity Pregnancy program.

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America's Kundun may well be the meanest thing anyone has ever called Ms Palin.

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<i>It reminds me of when I was on Dancing with the Stars,</i>

Oh really? I completely forgot about that since you haven't mentioned it once in the last 15 minutes.

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It reminds me of when I was strapping Levi, especially the first time.

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Blessed are the grifters, for they shall fleece the flock.

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