Seconded, roundabouts work better than all other 4+ way intersections.

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Conclusion: The current method for fighting bullies isn't working.

Bullies aren't born, they are created by the culture they grow up in.So fighting bullies as adversaries is like swatting mosquitoes, what you should be doing is getting rid of stagnant water so less mosquitoes are born.

Sadly, culture is hard to understand and change, so I have no idea what steps need to be taken. I hope to fuck someone else has a plan.

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For the same reason many women like 50 shades of grey.They never experienced healthy adult interactions.

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yw, I like to introduce Miranda Sings into discussions whenever I can just to share her rather unique view on things, not to mentio, as you have, her extraordinary singing voice and dancing skills, and tips for daily living

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Betrayed, but not sufficiently to file for divorce, I imagine. IMHO, Ted-the-Cuban-Canadian is taking seriously Reince Priebus's exhortation to endorse or forget about 2020.

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Unfortunately, Phillies Schlafly is no longer available to explain it to you.

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Ha, ha! Almost every Republican in Congress hates his guts. He doesn't even have the used-car salesman cunning of Trump. He can forget about 2020 no matter what else may happen.

And Heidi has the money. Go ahead and piss her off, Ted. It's not like you have any other ally.

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I always just thought she looked that way because she smelled something bad.

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For some reason, this makes me feel better.

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...And that's what I don't get about Trump supporters - OK, the major Parties have spent the last twenty years screwing over the middle class, but do they REALLY think that The Great Comb Over is in this for THEIR benefit? I expect Her Hillaryness will rip him another one in the upcoming debate, and like I kind of remember (I think it was Josh) saying in the West Wing - "You get the popcorn, I'll get the sodas".

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I wonder if anyone, ever, has looked Donald J. Trump in the face and told him that at no time in his life was he ever a 10?

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They confuse the everloving hell out of me. Thank Jah we do not have many of these in the area.

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That bass line! Jeez!

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I politely disagree with you! They are confusing. How/when do you change lanes? How do you get out of the circle that goes around the center when there are other people entering the outer circle in all four directions, all at the time? I don't see how they are less complicated than a 4 way stop sign. I'm not even an idjit driver. It's been 20 years since I've been in an accident that was my fault, and that was a bumper tap at a stop sign because a giant spider dropped into my lap!

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She knew what he was like right after they got married. It can't be a great surprise to her.

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