Ken would know obscenity when he sees it, and have a collection of 'examples' in his office should he need to refresh his memory.

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Kinda liked it too.<br /><br /><br />BTW, your handle is a <i>terrible</i> pun. I salute you!

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A candidate with Progressive values would be nice. Too much to hope for?

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Oh, dear god. I have Clinton fatigue and the campaign has not even begun.

Maybe this is the right's strategy, but is anyone really nostalgic for a replay of the 90s?

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I don't trust hired guns. You never know when someone's gonna come along with a better offer for them to double-cross you.

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Correction. Socks is now known as Gato al Libi since organizing the attack in Benghazi

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"Swamp Thing" was only really good when Alan Moore was writing it.

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My first make out session in a car was at a drive-in movie with a guy named Lanny. That was slobbery and kind of gross too.

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You're referring, actually, to Socks Rodham Clinton, as he was properly known.

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There's fresher shit around for them to dine on?

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Ah, Travelgate, the modest scandal of 1993 or whatever it was. "Somebody" fired the incumbent WH travel agent contractor and replaced them with friends of teevee producer Linda "Bloodworth" Thomason. How did the republic survive this travesty?

Thomason's real crime against humanity was "<a href="https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/9\/92\/Designing_women_cast_1986_1991.jpg" target="_blank">Designing Women</a>."

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Oh, but his Concern is sincere.

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I am still searching for a copy of the international version of the movie where she shows the goods.

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I kind of liked Designing Women. The scene where <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=nrYCrdJyaDg" target="_blank">Alice Ghostly sings Black Man</a> has been stuck in my brain for decades.

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