Policies? I read perversions, sorry.

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No worries. Common misunderstanding.

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indistinguishable at times.

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Who can say? She's a real enigma, that one is. I've heard she's a big lez.

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Who the hell are these people who just can't make up their minds between a racist, xenophobic, gasbag, fraud who knows nothing, and a woman who graduated at the top of her class, and has worked in public service for over thirty years???? Oh, right, because she used a server that was at her house, which means absolutely nothing.

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Thing is she's been giving policy speeches whole year, and being ignored only if she drops a one-liner about Trump.

I've never hated the M$M more than I have this year.

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the mental health care initiative as well

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"we can simply remind them that the poor pay plenty of other taxes, and often higher state taxes, so just shut up"

Just ask Donald amirite?

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Ah, I get it now, and I apologize for my confusion. Still, the transition shouldn't be a surprise, so if it were me (and I realize how stupid that comparison is, but bear with me), I'm all about ripping off the scab and doing what's best for ME, not anyone else. That said, (((hugs))) and whatever you decide will be the right thing.

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Overalls the new pantsuit?

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We fucking pay for it like we did all the recent wars that we didn't have to pay for, couldn't afford, but still managed to come up with the money.

"Pay for it"? Fuck anyone who says THAT is a major roadblock to the legislation.

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Donnie's already asked Jack Mitnick if he can qualify for this new credit.

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Pressboard? Must be Trump Premium DeLuxe brand.

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Remember hanging chads? Good times.

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They prefer to be called the Legion of Doom.

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