I think you misspelled wisdumb.

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As a long time rpg gamer, may I steal this?

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Roll a pickpocket check.

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I somehow think they are going to be on this in a big way.

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I like how they keep trying to claim it's not a "Muslim Ban." It's just like saying the Chinese Exclusion Act didn't discriminate because it only targeted Chinese laborers.

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Life was so much simpler when Donald could just have his lawyers sue someone into submission.

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Habeas Corpus is a bitch.

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Found it -- great. But she's not a "real" judge because, you know, female.

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Bannon and Trump sitting under a tree,

K-i-s-s-i-n-g. and other thing we won't talk about because they're gross.


Made for each other, yes?

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What about people being detained at the airport until they unlock their phones? Verge has a chilling piece about an American born NASA scientist who was blocked entry until he unlocked his phone and agents had a good look around in his phone. I can't even with the pithy comment.

The ACLU needs to open branch offices in the airports, sheesh!


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If I did any of the things he did, I'd be in jail. Supermax for him.

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Impossible to keep up with this story! Here's the VA decision. Judge Brinkema does not play!http://www.politico.com/f/?...

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That's the thing -- national security is not a really high threshold but to just say "national security - don't question us" is not enough. They aren't even claiming they have top secret shit.

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Yeah, but he had a funny foreign sounding name. You are right, that is scary.

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