"Guns for gays, yay! Marriage for gays, no! (Same-sex couples “entering into contractual agreements” with each other is totally fine though, you lucky romantics.)"

Do we at least get our own drinking fountains?

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There is something especially funny about the chronic whiners of the right calling out anyone over some supposed "grievance industry". Seriously, the entire existence of the tea party can be summed up as a group opportunity to bitch and complain about everything and anything and to give them the chance to yell at the whole world to get off their lawn.

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People honestly believe that? Geez, they've seen too many episodes of "Combat!" and "Rat Patrol".

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Ugh! Once they've been given the official party line from Rush Limpballs you know what every single wingnut automatic knee-jerk reply will be, verbatim, on any particular topic for the rest of eternity.

Mental masturbation exercises like this are just a lot "me too" crap. And the nutters stand in line to have their ludicrous beliefs repeated back to them. In a book. For $$$$. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

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The Founders may not be able to, but can I sue her for mental anguish from reading just the excerpts?

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shouldn't that be "magazine and save?"

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"Tragic Sans" + Time = Comic Sans.

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And it's too rough for toilet paper, also too.

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Yeah, I wanna give an upfist, but don't want to spoil your negative majesty.

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