he could have bovine ebola, best nuke 'em both from orbit just to be sure

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So when does Mongo deck the horse? Because that really was some authentic frontier gibberish.

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Shoot up adrenochrome? That might get a tad intense- all it takes is a dab on your tongue. Just watch the bats...

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Kamau Bukaki? no wonder he's so self loathing...

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Crazies are all they have left.

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Double-dog dare or GTFO!

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I am disappoint. <i>I</i> was going to ask Kamau Bakari to be <i>my</i> one black friend.

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Heh, Mr. Bukkake is so dumb he forgot to disallow youtube comments.

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WOW! I strangely have nothing to add to that. It is perfection encapsulated. Bravo to both Cliven Bundy and "black guy who's ashamed of being black" for creating the perfect melange of stupid and badly acted to culminate into a crescendo of lunacy that simply cannot be forgotten. I give it four stars, two thumbs up and 5 full lobotomies. THIS IS A MUST SEE.

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WOW! I strangely have nothing to add to that. It is perfection encapsulated. Bravo to both Cliven Bundy and "black guy who's ashamed of being black" for creating the perfect melange of stupid and badly acted to culminate into a crescendo of lunacy that simply cannot be forgotten. I give it four stars

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Didn't I see that video in <em>Blazing Saddles</em>?

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When Cliven said “I know something about the negro”, was this <em>THE</em> negro he was referring to?

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When Eric Holder meets with you be so kind Mr. Bundy and surrender your U.S. citizenship since you have such strong convictions about your rights. If not, please provide a check to Mr. Holder for the grazing fees to recover the cost of using U.S. land for your own financial gain.

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"Kamau Bakari" sounds kinda foreign to me. Could be one them commie Kenyans. Someone should check his birth certificate. Although he is wearing a cowboy hat, so maybe he's okay.

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It's the conservative version of free speech. They can say whatever they want, but you're not supposed to say what you think about it.

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You would think Republicans would be trying to sweep their crazies under a rug this close to an election, but no....

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