So the problem, in Bundy's desolate head space we generously call a "mind", is not all those racist things he said but rather that people are all bent out of shape because he used the word "Negro" when saying them.

I have judged the content of his character, and found him wanting.

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FOX News has pulled their cameras and microphones because they hate freedom of speech.

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They challenged the murderous libturds, what with all their taunts and jibes. (the historical parallels are obvs)

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I just kinda wonder too...I wonder when Ted [Nugent] Bundy here will just shut his damn pissflaps.

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Bless his heart -- with votes

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"Those people", Spotts. "Those people" are bent out of shape. Can't imagine why.

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I wish they served that only at a separate lunch counter.

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A true and absolute asshole who taught in the same building as me- I refuse to call him a colleague (he impregnated a student back in the 70's AND GOT AWAY WITH IT, although his teaching certificate was mysteriously pulled several years after he retired) once referred to "those people" in a conversation about racism in Michigan. I went ballistic on that phrase. He stalked out in a huff. It was a good day.

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Cletus the Racial Concern Troll


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"I should be able to say those things and they shouldn’t offend anybody."

But, cretin, they do offend people. Perhaps if you pulled your head all the way out of your ass, you might wipe the doots out of your eyes and look around and figure out that nobody is preventing you from saying your terrible piece(s), in any way, shape, or form.

So you have as much freedom as anyone. And just like that freedom to say idiot shit, everyone else has the freedom to point at what you said and say something about it, like "LOOK AT THE SHIT THIS IDIOT SAID."

The freedom to speak your mind doesn't mean you get a free pass from criticism.

Didn't a single one of your precious Virgin Valley forefathers teach you a single fucking thing?

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I mean, how fucking lazy of him to get himself shot like that. Those blahs, they'll do <em>anything</em> to avoid work.

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What I particularly love about Bundy's little rant is that not only did he make it impossible for the people who don't want to be thought of as balls-out racist by everyone to continue supporting him, he also said stuff that will piss off most of the folk who don't care if the entire world thinks (correctly) that they're balls out racist, because he acknowledged that those not lawfully present in this country actually make a contribution to it and maybe shouldn't be dehumanized and persecuted.

What I mean is, next time the BLS comes a-knocking, they'll very most likely find a lot fewer nuts with guns saying "nuh-uh we patriots are going to prevent duly appointed agents of the government from enforcing multiple court orders".

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Or she is his ghostwriter.

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I blame MLK when I think of Bundy as a dumbass cracker.

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Hey Bundy. If your head’s in the toilet, you should probably stop blowing bubbles.

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So Cmdr. Bamz is free to just make the place a smoking crater now? I mean with votes.

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