Lol... You love the Feds.

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I believe the county sheriff sympathetic to their cause had something to do with it. Bad enough that communications had to be routed "around" him.

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Technically, it's a state election, but your point is taken.

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I've said I before and I'll say it again: Ayn Rand burns in Hell!

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As I say, religion is a different ballgame because there isn't really any hard factual evidence against the existence of deities. There's absolutely no good evidence that any deity DOES exist, but neither is there any good evidence to say they DON'T.

Many conspiracy theories, and the whole SovCit weirdness, are based on factual errors that are easily exposed as factual errors. The Bundys insist the Constitution say things that it doesn't. Their claims can't be explained as mistakes, or alternate takes on passages that are genuinely open to interpretation. They STRAIGHT UP LIE about what the Constitution of the United States says.

The Constitution is RIGHT THERE. Any English speaker can read it. It's child's play to establish that THE BUNDYS ARE FULL OF SHIT ABOUT WHAT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS. Yet they continue to say "Nuh-uh!" and insist they're right. They risked their lives, for a world view which is not only a lie, but easily proven to be a lie. One of their fellow-travelers literally died to defend utter bullshit.

I just do. not. get. it.

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The story about how Squishedhead got his head squished is NOT right.

The Glorious Ford LTD was on a jack stand and cliveyboi wasn't paying attention and dropped the GFLTD on the little psycho's head.

Cliveyboi decided to treat Squishie's injury with prayer. Never went to a doctor. The nerve injury happened when a bone fragment moved AFTER the incident. Cliveyboi then mocked Squishie's appearance.

I reject any notion that it's not proper to make fun of the appearance of this skkkum and traitor. He has by volition given up any right to any and all respect.

Remember this: weak hand-wringing liberals caused the trumpita thing. Stomp these people.

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That's a somewhat different question. There is no hard, factual evidence either for or against the existence of deities. Christians can't offer scientific level proof that God exists, but neither can Christopher Dawkins offer scientific level proof that He doesn't. "God exists and controls the affairs of men" is simply not a testable claim. Christians are acting without proof they're right, but they're not acting in defiance of proof they're wrong.

The Bundys make a testable claim: they state a specific document says specific things. It's very easy to read that document and establish it does NOT say those things. The claim is proven false. Yet the Bundys continue to not only insist that the claim is true, but to live their lives as if the claim is true. In other words, their thinking and actions are detached from reality. They have acted on their distorted reality, and those actions caused considerable harm to themselves and others. I don't see how this is any different to someone experiencing a psychotic break, but IANA mental health expert. So I asked.

It's a travesty that a bunch of people who led an armed insurrection against a Federal agency are still running around loose. But should they be locked up in a prison, or a psychiatric institution?

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I think my point is that being raised around religion, with their invisible sky deities, father figures who carry the word of god and are not to be questioned, and "blessed are those who do not see yet still believe" conditions one towards what messages one tends to believe and who delivers these messages.

Yes, the American evangelical/sovcit is a special kind of stupid, but I see the parallels between organized religion (especially the extremists) and conspiracy hucksters.

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I see your point. Religion in general doesn't encourage critical thinking. Although the BIG question isn't testable, there are smaller claims within each religion that are amenable to scientific disproof. How the religious person deals with these smaller claims going up in smoke, is a good litmus test for whether or not they're whackjobs.

Like Creationism. Most religious people accept the science. They recognise the Earth is millions of year old and that Evolution is a thing. They adapt their religious beliefs to reality; they view the biblical Creation story as a metaphor and continue living a happy and productive life.

But then there's the people who insist Earth is only a few thousand years old; dinosaurs and modern humans co-existed; and the universe, the Earth and everything in it was created over a literal 6-day period. Objective reality is a filthy lie created by Satan Himself to corrupt them, and they must fight it at every turn lest they be damned to literal Hell.

Imagine how we'd react if it was one person who believed in dragons. They firmly believe the dragons are watching them every second of the day, and will eat them if they don't follow rigidly defined rules. They force their children to follow these rules, lest the dragons eat them too. In fact, they don't want their children to even know there are people who don't follow the rules. They have to tell everyone about the dragons and try and make them follow the rules, too. They show up at strangers' funerals, health clinics, public schools and nightclubs, and scream abuse at randoms because they probably aren't following the rules. How long would their family and community tolerate that behaviour?

I've lost the thread of my point, I think, but yeah. I'm seeing more and more that some people's religious practices have much in common with pathological delusions.

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Thank you, I'm going to look into those.

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Because, dumb.

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W's smirking mug? I guess Ann Coulter is off-limits because apparently she really was born with that face.

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Roger Ailes?

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You're thinking of Steve Bannon.

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I'm not certain, but there is something in the wingnuttosphere about that being an admiralty flag, and so any areas where it is displayed are subject to maritime law.

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Honestly, I thought he just had a big plug of Skoal in his cheek.

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