Oh Brother meets Eraserhead.

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Alito didn't even certify the PA redistricting case because it was such a slam dunk.

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I'm reminded of some White Supremacy group that imploded over the most inbred trash sex scandal you can imagine. One that made even White Supremacists realise they'd tarnished their reputation so badly, they should just slink off into the shadows and hope everyone forgot about them.

The group's leader had beaten up his wife's stepfather. But another website said he'd beaten up his mistress's husband. "Which is it?", I cried, confused. It did not occur to me that they might be the same individual, but so it proved. Fortunately the mistress was a subsequent wife of the stepfather, rather than the wife's biological mother. That made sense, yes?

Things came unravelled when Leader's Wife confided in her Stepfather (who was also Leader's 2IC) that she thought Leader was having an affair, and would Stepfather help her catch him at it? Stepfather agreed. So they peeked in at the window and Stepfather was stunned and horrified to discover the Mistress was, in fact, his wife. Leader spotted the Peeking, took offence, charged outside, and beat up Stepfather. Somebody called the cops and the whole sordid mess became public. Behold the master race, everyone.

I'm hoping that $5F will keep us abreast of every legal nuance of this shitfight. May the NRA and all who sail in her, go down in a blaze of scandal and infamy that will forever force them to keep their coat collars pulled up, lest they be recognised in the grocery store.

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The NRA wants to party all the time party all the time...

Dude I seen you at shows, just hangin out and spendingYou give your credit card for every suit you seeYou never come home at night because you'r out griftingI wish you'd bring some of that cash home to me

The NRA wants to party all the time party all the time...

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Great reporting on our favorite "club," FDF. Won't ol' Dana be disappointed to discover that, just like her mother said, her face is gonna stay that way.

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That's impressive considering. Is the topmost one balanced on a pole meant for billboards? How the hell did they steal that? Where'd they get the crane to lift these damn things and did it occur to them that said heavy machinery could be put to better use? I have so many questions.....

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Meth finds a way

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They do have Danny the Sentient Street, the Beard Eater, and a rather troublesome rat/cockroach pair.

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I thought this was the comment thread for Robyn's article but I seem to be on the one for 5DF. Is Disqus having problems again? Anyway, good article. I hope the NRA is forced into bankruptcy.

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"Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bonk thy neighbor's wife!" 🤣

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Danny the Street !!!

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At long last we're getting somewhere!

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Where that is, exactly, is the follow-up question, I think


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