Oh, come on! Clark Kent wears glasses. If Superman were Clark Kent, why doesn't Superman wear glasses? You really think he could fly around like that if he couldn't see?

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Having listened to that briefing live because I have Sirius radio and no life, I could hear the sigh and 'this fucking guy' in the tone of Carney's answer. I don't know how he goes to fucking work every day, he must be on a shit-ton of drugs to have even have lasted this long. Isn't the shelf life of most WH press secretaries about 2 years? Other than soulless weasel-demon Ari Fliescher, of course, who is stil reppin for G Dub even after he left the White House.

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I do neither. While I don't think I'm really missing anything, especially not "news," it leaves me <strike>fairly</strike> seriously clueless about viral YouTube videos. Which reminds me: WTF is "Gangnam style," who is Rebecca Black and what's so special about badgers?

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Barack H. Obama, Jr. only met Barack H. Obama, Sr. once. Yet as we all know, the son's entire career has been driven by a desire for anti-colonial vengeance that was inspired by the father. At least, that's what noted conservative pundit Dinesh D'Souza has argued.

Or was it?

Sorry, wingnuts, but you can't have it both ways.

If Pres. Obama can be inspired by his father, who he only me once, then he can be inspired by Nelson Mandela, who he also only met once. If it is impossible for the one meeting with Mandela to have truly provided him with inspiration, then the one meeting with his father could not have done so either.

So which one is it going to be?

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I've been influenced by Don Knotts. I've never met him and that's OK.

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If only there were some way of recording one's thoughts or articulation so that others could be exposed to them.

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<b>IT'S MADE OF <i>GERMANS?!</i></b>

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