Has nobody made the joke about "getting stoned" in Colorado yet?

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To his eternal credit, Jimmy Carter once said of Jerry Falwell that Falwell could go to hell in the biblical sense.

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Poor baby.

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Parenthetically, but WTF, Denver Post?

"She survived but her 34-week-old baby girl did not".

It doesn't make the crime any less heinous, but that was a 34-week fetus.

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Then he stomped his little cloven hoofed feet and shook his little clawed fists. Fixed.

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Well sure he was a bad fit for the Health, Insurance and Environment Committee but he's perfect for the Local Government Committee. Surely even you liblabs can see that.

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Murdered in a brutal stoning attack = Losing a committee assignment. OK, now I see how it works.

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Poor thing. Can you imagine looking and listening to him through an entire church service?

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IKR? First one eye, then the other.

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If I lived in his district I would run against him just to troll the shit out of him with "hold on Klinger, I'm gettin' another message from The Father" remarks during the debate.

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Where are the "unpopular Bible verses" about slicing pregnant women open?

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Klingenschmitt,Scuttlebutt,Who gives a shit?

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Probably the beginning of a purge. The Republicans expected to be riding high on their Citizens United megabucks, but instead they are foundering because the tea baggers are freaking everyone out. Scapegoat time, and guess who's on the block.

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Hosea 13:16 - Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Yep, it's really in there. Ugh.

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"___ ______ __ _______"

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To be fair, even the most fire-and-brimstony preachers don't get to use that verse too often - I can see why Klinger jumped at the chance.

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