Can anyone explain why 1 year is the maximum available? Christ, possession of cocaine gets normal people 15 years.

Fucking Dickensian.

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Mostly they just don't pay any attention.

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Because there is a very good chance that the people who are big contributors to political campaigns might one day be subject to prosecution under worker safety and environmental statutes? Most street level cocaine dealers are not likely to have a Congressman or Senator on speed dial.

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Many of those "less expensive" plans had terrible coverage. ACA did explicitly zero out some really low-premium, high-deductible plans in which the coverage was basically inadequate to keep people healthy.

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Upfist for Malwart. I haven't seen that before.

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currently, only 15 states and DC even have an estate tax, and another 1/2 dozen an inheritance tax.....the lowest threshold for which any tax kicks in is $675K, and that is in the state of NJ

$675K....i think most of us here dont really need to worry about picking up any extra tax reporting forms this year, amirite, people?

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Very little has changed since John Gaventa wrote Power and Powerlessness. It's impossible for most people in coal country to act in their self-interest because the industry has made them forget what their self-interest ever was:


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It does require a certain brain chemistry...

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At least in Florida law, simple possession of cocaine is punishable by up to one year in state prison (so long as you're not running afoul of the three strikes rule). Trafficking in the Devil's Dandruff will net you a lifetime membership at Club Ironbars.

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Solidarity! (gives the fist-to-the-ear salute)

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We shall march upon a road of bones!

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That actually made me lol. I was in a mall the other day getting a Dairy Queen (yum!), and I thought "you know, I live in a heavily armed state where all the inhabitants are fed a steady diet of rage from Fox News, and the rest of the right wing entertainment complex, and one of these rubes could just start blasting any minute." It's nice that I have to fear for my safety when I go to get some ice cream. My mother lives three blocks from a mass shooting sight, so it's not all that farfetched.

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Oh, well, it was still a good story.

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Oh, you're most welcome. I'm sure it's difficult for you to think straight about these matters at the moment, particularly if your son needs help. I always think I'm immune to the GOP's bullshit, but then I find myself thinking "will Hillary get arrested for her emails?" Then I'm like "goddamn it, you know it's bullshit, so just RESIST it." They're amazingly good at propaganda, and feeding on people's fears. They even have us calling it the "death tax" when in reality it's an estate tax, with the emphasis being on large estates. I hope everything works out for you.

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How about a bouquet of kittens?https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_9z3...

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