Where'd she get Barak's jeans?

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White punks on dope

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Focus on the kids that are actually trying.

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Except there is no possible way that Sun TV could be compared to a beautiful woman. Screeching harridan, yes.

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<i>Politico, who must have someone who just spelunks through DC arrest records with a list of Congresscritters in hand, god love ‘em. </i>

The sweet, sweet data mines of <a href="http:\/\/www.timesdispatch.com\/gotcha\/" target="_blank">FOIA</a>.

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Hell, Skittles will get you a death sentence

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Hiaasen would have to invent this douche if he didn't already exist . . . but he does. <a href="http:\/\/www.democraticunderground.com\/101620205" target="_blank">And he's not alone.</a>.

And of course, it goes without saying that this particular douche <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/11\/19\/trey-radel-drug-testing_n_4305348.html" target="_blank">voted for drug testing of food stamp recipients. </a>

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Less hip hop and more hippity hoppity.

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Please Mr. Snowman, Send me a line, Five or six Will be just fine.

Please Mr. Snowman, Send me a thrill I can toot up my nose With a rolled up bill.

Please Mr. Snowman You're so keeen - Please Mr. Snowman Before I must scream!

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He was "experimenting" with cocaine. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the group that got the placebo.

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Why is she wearing that terrible Michael Jackson mask?

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Fact-finding CODEL libel!

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It could happen to anybody. I forget about my trust funds all the time.

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Don't underestimate Lawrence Welk's countercultural <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=t8tdmaEhMHE" target="_blank">street cred</a>.

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It's pretty unworthy to laugh at a woman whose husband killed himself, but still, it must be said: at least he didn't defect to the other team the way Arianna's did.

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You've heard of Congresscritters who "get busy"? Well, this one gets biz-ZAY! Mostly w/ coke.

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