3,138 photographs. For fuck's sake. Overshare much?

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Of herself. I'm beginning to see the problem . . . and it ain't Obamacare.

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Damn those barely-educated kids, forcing employers to hire them for low-skill low-wage jobs and preventing them from filling those positions with well-educated freedom-loving people with advanced degrees like me!

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So you were applying for an auto loan?

If so, then the lender probably needed the photo in order to calculate the interest <strike>level and reblog potential</strike> rate.

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Yes, but didn't she realize that carrying unexpectedly good health insurance is a blessing from The One, and evidence of His <strike>socialistic</strike> grand plan?

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Oww, my brain. Its (it's???) broke

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she does qualify for all sorts of affordable options and cost reductions. in IL she'd wind up paying around $100 a month with essential benefits covered (as opposed to her $75 'get thrown under the bus insurance' which no way or how covers that list of disabilities). and it would be thru the medicaid end of the spectrum because she works for a low wage. which is in fact the point of this whole fucking exercise: to promote a culture of coverage (medicaid and the marketplace move seamlessly back and forth) and responsibility so everyone has a stake in and access to affordable quality health insurance.

if she lets the medicaid label and her mother's prejudice's scare her off, she deserves to keep working in a gym for $8 an hour.

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...I want my free abortions!

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And probably air conditioning too. (Not that you need AC most of the year in Michigan.)

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She might be better off going to Toronto, where there is more of a TV / film industry. Although she would be corrupted by the single-payer healthcare system.

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Well, she does seem to be expert in engineering tales of derpitude, so there's that...

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In the current job market, I don't see prospective employers knocking down her door with gold-plated offers anytime soon. She could have 12 degrees and all that comes across is "whiny wingnut who will sit in her cubicle and bitch about Libs and the government all day long while Rush blasts away on her radio".

And you know how popular those folks are with a captive audience of people trying to get their work done.

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Hail to the Whiners

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John McCain when he picked the Wasilla grifter?

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