He didn't have to spend time with them and their offspring.

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Right? Who do they think is going to do their bypass surgery and take care of their hip replacements? Who's going to pilot their airplanes and cruise ships? (We saw a few years ago what happens when you have an idiot cruise ship captain, in Italy.) Who's going to discover the next medical and scientific research breakthroughs? Who do they think writes the source code for the internet they use everyday? What happens if a country can't think? It fails disastrously! We need everyone to be functionally intelligent, and thriving!

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Well, everything except robber baron capitalism IS communism! And without robber baron capitalism there never would have been any progress! Haven't you read any Ayn Rand at all?

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I'll take all of the above for $39.86 per $1,000 in assessed value, Alex.

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Ayn Rand wasn't she really a Communist plant when she came here from Russia? And she was an avowed ATHEIST too - when will the Thumpers get the vapors over that..?

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Maybe they're the last bastion of the mastodons of the Republican Party - the educated ones.

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Your gendered and ignorant attack on this professor is about what I'd expect from Carlos Danger's dumber brother.

Since you have no fucking clue how she structured her class, nor about the material she covered or the context of the remarks you're rage-fapping to, your stupidity is dismissed.

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Or... they're fascist bullies who are just assholes.

Occam's Razor, cupcake.

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These alt-righters are such a Boormann.

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She didn't read Two Corinthians?!?

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"Rage-fapping" is an awesome and very accurate description of the idiots' behavior.

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Probably didn't even read one.

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Your point is that you once had a teacher who did the same thing, and it was wrong, but you didn't have the guts to say so because you didn't have a cell phone?

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sorry, uncle D, but you only get a 6.5, otherwise known as a 'gentleman's C-' for that triple toe loop on the intrepretive section...no height whatsoever, and the spin was clumsy and under-rotated at best

and i know you assume what was my point because YOU, of course, had all the intelligence, insight, worldliness, experience and courage as a 16-yr-old in 1973 as you do now, right?

all the qualities that a 16-yr old would need, when, after going 'round with said teacher numerous times, and eventually taken out into the hall for the old man to pull the typical not-that-subtle authoritarian strong-arm dick move, one that left no question in said 16-yr-old's mind about who would come out on the bad end of a confrontation with his authority and the higher powers...NONE of which prof cox did to any of her students--and it's the same kind of menacing tactics that are often pulled on female students that are sexually harassed in order to ensure their silence--once again...60-yr old authority figure--16-yr-old-KID--1973

khaa-rhYst, what a maroon...here, have a quarter...go buy some empathy and insight, willya?

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She also believed in women's rights and abortion.....Yet republicans hold her book up like its a gift from the gods....The republicans are stupid beyond redemption....Morons in their own right....

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In partial defense of that newly minted Ph.D., if his area of study wasn't mid-century American literature, he likely wouldn't have studied Richard Brautigan.

I didn't read anything of his during my master's in English because I only took one or two classes on American literature. I prefer British literature for my study.

And when you get to a Ph.D. program, you have to start getting really specific with your focus area. Like, not only a time period (such as modernist or Victorian), but also a theoretical lens.

There are lots of reasons why an English Ph.D. wouldn't have come across Brautigan in their study.

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