Uh, baseball bat made of votes, of course.

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I was just thinking the same thing. What a crappy time it is to have a bakery.

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Nah. Rosie O'Donnell already said that no lesbian would ever cater a wedding with pizza and we all know her word is god.

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It's "different" in that religion is a protected class and orientation isn't. And they plan to damn well keep it that way.

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Could just send them a bag of dicks to eat.


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Or, in law-speak, raging jerks are not a discrete and insular minority. They do not have a history of discrimination or political powerlessness against them, since they typically run the country. Being a jerk *is* an immutable characteristic, but that alone doesn't serve to create a protected class.

(Ha, this would be the analysis for constitutional equal protection purposes, like if bakers were to say that an anti-discrimination law violated their constitutional rights. Granted, religious protections are actually statutory in the Civil Rights Act. But being a jerk and being religious aren't actually the same thing :P)

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Imma stealin' that one...

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Eventually they are going to figure out that Jesus was a Greek, and the point will be moot.

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You can't be a true jerb creator unless you fell out of the right womb into a huge pile of money.

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The entire "Gays are recruiting children!" meme is based on their own ruthless indoctrination of kids to be "Christians".

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Ah yes, the real American Dream. I'm still pissed at my parents for falling short.

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Votes to put, at long last, Edgar Martinez into the Hall of Fame, where he belongs!

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There's still a bit of confusion about that "King of the Jews" thing.

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well the pizza joint made out big time from the haters - why not people who won't hate - send cash fast

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Aww damn, I was hoping he was that guy what threw footwear at W, back before he converted.

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Any risk of confusion will be settled by the amendment to the new law, which will make gay people easier to identify, by asking them in a polite, Christian way, to please always wear a pink triangle on their lapel. Or a yellow star. Either will work.

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