TMI But very good info, the medical, not the rough sex. But congrats on that too. As a cut American, I'm happy and the ladies seem to like it. It was hard enough to get a bj in high school without being (I think) a little different. That said, it would be nice to have a choice, maybe someone can invent a foreskin toupee or something.

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Who needs Google, when we have you, Ms. la Volpe. xoxoxo

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you'd think they would make enough in tips to offset the $186k.

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If this means that I qualify for a 20-year-old, I'm all for it.

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I'm listening for the sounds of all the men on Wonkette expressing sympathy for you.

Still listening....I'm sure I'll hear something eventually.

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Unless that somehow involves wanking outdoors on street corners and sidewalks, then it didn't work here either.

Or the scarier flip side: My current behavior is considered in fact "curbed."

I suppose in my uncircumcised alternate history, then I would be typing this right now with my ween.

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If you convert to Judaism, they'll give you a free, "back alley" circumcision.

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I see a business opportunity here for some do-it-yourself kits.

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The maternity units of all hospitals will now have prominently displayed signs that state "NO (de)TIPPING".

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I'll bet he took tips, though.

Hey, somebody had to say it.

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The legislators seem very circumspect.

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I love it. Can I use the name for a CUT of 10%?

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As long as I can remember, everyone just had it done routinely. I did learn from a friend in college that is was much less common for black men to be circumsized. Not sure why.

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because you had to leave with the furries?

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I saw on CNN yesterday that a 51-year-old B-list actor married his 16-year-old girlfriend. My first thought was that Newt Gingrich is going to be SO JEALOUS.

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