The third grade social studies curriculum in Georgia insists that we teach "respect for and acceptance for authority" through the lives of Paul Revere, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, and Cesar Chavez.
"The Jefferson County school board in Colorado has decided to cancel its plans to review the APUSH framework, apparently deciding that it didn’t want to be in the same anti-education club as Georgia and Oklahoma."
It turns out they didn't "decide" to err on the side of reason, they were forced to back down:
"when students walked out of several Denver-area schools to protest the board’s plan to review all curricular material to make sure it would “promote patriotic material, respect for authority, and the free-market system.”
We're somewhat ahead of the Koch game here in Colorado. We'd very much appreciate it if the non-wingnut majorities in other states would get it together as well.
The Libertarian/Religious Right "Alliance" (their own website) to dismantle public education (or to otherwise screw with it): http://www.schoolandstate.o...
Note the signatories to that idiotic "proclamation": Cato, Ron Paul, Religious Right hate groups...
So WHY are they doing it? Let's let Ron Paul and Pat Robertson explain: "Pat Robertson and Ron Paul Agree Progressives Use Public Schools to 'Indoctrinate Children'" (VIDEO):http://www.rightwingwatch.o...
They even made a movie for tea-nut voter consumption: "Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America" http://indoctrinationmovie....
What would Ron Paul and Pat Robertson prefer to teach our children? Wonkers familiar with 'Sundays with the Christianists' and right-wing "Christian" home schooling texts will be able to relate to this:
"Ron Paul Curriculum Launched by Reconstructionist Gary North [Ludwig Von Mises Institute "scholar" and "Biblical Capitalism" author] and Neo-Confederate Thomas Woods"
May I suggest Wonkette obtain copies of that there Ron Paul home school curriculum and start comparing it to the religious right home school texts you've been reviewing?
Let's learn new words. We can even look them up online if we don't understand the words being used. Which brings me to the obvious question: is that all you got out of this article?
The third grade social studies curriculum in Georgia insists that we teach "respect for and acceptance for authority" through the lives of Paul Revere, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, and Cesar Chavez.
'golf clap'
There's so much irony in that that it's probably attracted to magnets.
It's a Britishism. Comparable to 'stoked'.
Magnets Curricula—how do they work?
MTV's Kennedy on educational policy? I'm totally riveted.
Because this time it's different, as Mayor McCheeseiani so astutely pointed out.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom..."If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
"The Jefferson County school board in Colorado has decided to cancel its plans to review the APUSH framework, apparently deciding that it didn’t want to be in the same anti-education club as Georgia and Oklahoma."
It turns out they didn't "decide" to err on the side of reason, they were forced to back down:
"when students walked out of several Denver-area schools to protest the board’s plan to review all curricular material to make sure it would “promote patriotic material, respect for authority, and the free-market system.”
We're somewhat ahead of the Koch game here in Colorado. We'd very much appreciate it if the non-wingnut majorities in other states would get it together as well.
The Libertarian/Religious Right "Alliance" (their own website) to dismantle public education (or to otherwise screw with it): http://www.schoolandstate.o...
Note the signatories to that idiotic "proclamation": Cato, Ron Paul, Religious Right hate groups...
So WHY are they doing it? Let's let Ron Paul and Pat Robertson explain: "Pat Robertson and Ron Paul Agree Progressives Use Public Schools to 'Indoctrinate Children'" (VIDEO):http://www.rightwingwatch.o...
They even made a movie for tea-nut voter consumption: "Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America" http://indoctrinationmovie....
What would Ron Paul and Pat Robertson prefer to teach our children? Wonkers familiar with 'Sundays with the Christianists' and right-wing "Christian" home schooling texts will be able to relate to this:
"Ron Paul Curriculum Launched by Reconstructionist Gary North [Ludwig Von Mises Institute "scholar" and "Biblical Capitalism" author] and Neo-Confederate Thomas Woods"
May I suggest Wonkette obtain copies of that there Ron Paul home school curriculum and start comparing it to the religious right home school texts you've been reviewing?
Let's learn new words. We can even look them up online if we don't understand the words being used. Which brings me to the obvious question: is that all you got out of this article?
Which will be met with the same public treatment as their AP history revisionism.
Yes, that's all I got out of the article. Anyone who follows my comments around here would know that, instantly.
If pointlessness is your thing...
This is great news. I'm glad they listened to their brains.
*waves* Hi Chris!
We knew that those photoshop skills would pay off eventually, Dok.