Even Jesus cannot fight the MTA.

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Good point.

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The state, the state, the state is on fire.

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Politicians are always losing elections but people still want to know why their guy didn't win.

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He's kind of mixing up Alfred E Neuman philosophy and Christianity. God's got it, why worry?

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Cock-a-roaches and Twinkies will be here long after the last humans.

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Man, if only we knew how to get this out as innertubez clickbait: "Ten things you never knew about the Bible"

Taboola would be throwing it up on every fundie and Bibble-thumping website within hours.

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And Dick Cheney, holed up deep in a cave somewhere, worried that somebody on the other side is also hiding in a cave -- and hatching plots to kill them.

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Can we reduce our impact? Yes. But are we going to end or alter the path that Earth’s evolution is going to take? I don’t think so. I think the Earth’s already figured that out and powers bigger than us have figured that out.”

Nice job of dodging the "denialist" label, while still pandering to the fundies. This guy should go into politics.

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