Funny thing about that - Islam is actually more lenient than most hard-core Christianist denominations on abortion (if the husband consents, of course).

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It should be noted that ISIS doesn't represent Islam any more than Klingenschmitt represents Christianity. And yet there they are.

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Whenever I see the billboard "God is Pro-Life" I laugh and laugh.

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Shamelessly stolen, but hey, it works...

If I were Satan, I would manifest myself inside of a virgin, say that I am the Son of God, and convince everyone that they can now be forgiven for every sin just by asking, opening up the floodgates of sin

I'd start with the uneducated and poor. I'd impress them with some magic tricks, convince them to pretend to eat my flesh and drink my blood, and always, always, ALWAYS use my name when speaking to God.

I'd for sure use my immortality to fool them into thinking I came back from the dead, just as proof of my divinity.

I wouldn't be wasting my time getting involved with abortion debates, GLBT rights, and things like that. I'm Satan, I think big.

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So is Klingenshit (R-GodSmite) finding a way to take care of his Klingons too?

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You know what they say...the Lord works in mysterious ways.

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Take it easy, Champ. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while.

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I am not saying he is crazy or anything, but Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson both seem well-adjusted in comparison.

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No, shooty-shooty or beat down by cop, so progress?

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I'd almost rather vote for one of them...

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Odds said crazy lady is Xian? Anyone?

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Such vicious attacks by unpregnant psychotic women upon pregnant uncrazy women are thankfully rare. However, they have occurred often enough to be analyzed for trends and religion does not seem to play a role in this psychosis.

As far as I'm aware, none of the women who've done this in the past 15 years or so have claimed religion or god as motivation.

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I think that Klingenschmitt should get together with Phil Robertson to produce a play with real christo-wingnut appeal featuring kiddie rape, spousal-beheading, genital mutilation and fetal ripping-asunder. They would then submit their work to Pat Robertson for review and broadcast as a 700 Club special presentation.

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When life gives you lemons and psychotic slasher lunatics, make lemonade and cool religious prophecies!

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That jacket he's wearing is possessed by demons.

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"State Senator" Klingenschmidt is clearly God's punishment for too many CO voters slacking off last election day. God is very angry!

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