"Trolls are cliché." - axel3foley ... Yes, you are. [Edit to include the statement I'm responding to, since I have a feeling it's going to disappear into the ether soon]

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... he seems like the type of person that people are referring to when they say... "He can enliven any party... just by leaving."

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I've treated multiple Tylenol OD's over the years. (All were intentional, FWIW) and it's not the best way to go.

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Damn, that makes me want to join Dish Network just so I can cancel membership over this.

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up fist for "hashing out"

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Ever had a peek behind the curtain, junior? Ever had a top secret clearance? Without that, you are just guessing at how your own country really runs.

But give us a call next time you find yourself being an instrument of national power, sitting alert in a fully armed, supersonic fighter jet.

Amend that, give us a call if you ever graduate from an accredited college.

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Given that he writes with all the insufferable arrogance and awkward, ham-fisted prose of someone destined to piss off their freshman comp professor and an attitude destined to get him pantsed by the upper classmen, I wouldn't hold my breath about that graduation thingy...

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That Libertarian pot hook turns out not to be all it's cracked up to be? We didn't see that coming from miles away, right? Also, too - add this up: private company/"right to work"/drug testing... brought to us by pro-pot Libertarians: http://www.forwardprogressi...

Get the picture?

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I guess I was being generous. I assumed he was a sophomore.

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"hubiristic", really? As if your hubris needed more "I"...

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"Your attempts at language are laughable"...said the guy who misspelled "a lot"... and "hubristic"...and misused "incredulous"...

(*snerts and goes back to eating popcorn*)

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I did also too, but in high school, darling...

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I am not defending MoDo here, but weed does seem to be about a bazillion times more potent now than it was back in my college daze in the early '70s. Back then consuming a quarter of a pan of standard strength pot brownies would get you pleasantly high. Ingesting that amount today would cause your brain to melt, and not in a good way. We can probably thank careful cultivation by knowledgeable agriculturists over thousands of plant growth cycles for the dramatic increase in potency over the decades. The last time I shared a joint I had to stagger outside and stick my face in the snow for a few minutes to deal with the high. Holy Cheech it was strong, and that was 20 years ago!

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Dave just left.

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For Michel Fiore, it is heavy equipment.

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I'm pretty sure most of those Tylenol OD's are suicides, but the point about Marijuana's risks is well made.

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