Great shot Jimbob, that'n chipped the paint fershur!

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I would love to be in Deer Trail the next night that the ISS passes overhead.

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More and more it seems the tinfoil hat brigade <strike>has been</strike> is on <strike>to</strike> something.

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Nah, man, you want a <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/FIM-92_Stinger" target="_blank"> Stinger</a>.

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Barrage balloon libel.

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John Denver has a sad.

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Hellfire drone don't give a shit.

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Rover lives!

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UAV Operator: The fuck was that? Some asshole dinged my decal?

UAV Operator: "I have possible terrorist activity. Request authorization to interdict."

Regional Control: "Copy.....First-level response authorized."

UAV Operator: "Roger that." Hee hee hee.

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"<em>Basically, I do not believe in the idea of <strike>a surveillance</strike> society...</em>"


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Probably because of the 7-year-old boy killed by a falling bullet on the 4th in Virginia.

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...just don't go drone hunting with Dick Cheney!

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Drones, some parts are edible don’t ya know.

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You wouldn't really need a barrage...one would be sufficient.

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Well, the muzzle velocity of your average 12-gauge is <em>almost</em> enough* to launch shot to 40,000 ft... <em>in vacuo</em>. My SWAG would be that you just can't fire 0000 lead shot fast enough to overcome air resistance and still be able to inflict damage after climbing to that high without vaporizing it.

* about 25% faster would do it

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