I'm scared as shit about the anti-monopoly amendment. There are lots of other things besides trying to form monopoly that will get a citizens initiative kicked off the ballot, and the fear is the broad wording will let the Republican dominated legislature use that as a tool to prevent citizen initiatives they don't agree with from getting anywhere near the ballot for the flimsiest reasons.

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Is that the idiot who thought that Ireland's currency is the British pound sterling?

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ahahahhaaha - i was JUST thinking about this the other night for some reason. i watch it once every 2 ish years - probably because game of thrones is on vacation or something - and then it is stuck in my head for the next 8 months.


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Those of us who are sane, and also feel our children are over tested, disavow any connection or alliance with these crazy people.

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They'll look down and say, "No."

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Yes, and he's one of the stupidest fucks on CNBC (tied with Michelle Caruso Cabrerra). Strangely, he's got a Master's degree in molecular biology from MIT. He's apparently an idiot savant, because he's dumb as hell about how the economy works. He's the Ben Carson of talking business heads.

At the height of the Great Recession I once saw him ask a small business owner "so you're not hiring because of Obamacare, isn't that right?" The guy looks at Kernen like he's something on the bottom of his shoe and says "I'm not hiring because there's no demand for my product." Naturally Obamacare hadn't even gone into effect yet.

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My avatar libulz!!!But seriously all the upvotes for Colbert

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It's not perfectly good tap water. That's the whole point.

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Funny how these fuckwipes complain about too much testing but conveniently forget about the most holy George Bush's "No Child Left Behind"* travesty.*All children too poor will be left behind

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I had the same experience, Suse, in high school during the same period in Michigan and Western NY.

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Yep. And then identical Koch whores attempted a takeover of District 11's School Board in Colorado Springs (another one of the largest school districts in the state): http://www.csindy.com/color...

So what did we do? We checked the Hell NO boxes on our election ballots: http://ballotpedia.org/Colo...

THAT is how we keep Koch whores out of office... not by sitting around Keyboard-bitching after they've already been handed control because "both sides."

This is also why it helps to know what we're dealing with before hand (this is where people like me come in) and getting the word out. We've had six years since the 'Tea Party' fundies were handed election after election on the Koch's dime to get familiar with the agenda, from Congress all the way down to local dogcatcher and yet we STILL have supposed "progressives" screaming "both sides" "don't vote!" Yeah, well, screw you. Some of us weren't born yesterday: https://vimeo.com/25670381

"Tea Party ideology is not new but taps into decades of Religious Right instruction on "Biblical Capitalism."http://www.talk2action.org/...

No shit.

We should know, Colorado Springs, home of Focus on the Fambly and other assorted "Dominionist" organizations, is ground zero for this bullshit.

Funded by "Libertarian" Koch: Lee Fang: "The Koch Brothers’ Fake Libertarianism: War, Forced Pregnancies, and Homophobia"http://www.vice.com/read/th...

Note to Lee Fang: The Kochs aren't "fake" Libertarians. This is and has always been what Libertarians are: http://thepoliticalspectato...

It is also why this shit needs to become common knowledge: "Glenn Greenwald Will Speak to a Koch-Funded Event Named After a Pro-Lynching Racist DixiecratCongressman"http://littlegreenfootballs...

Somebody ask Lee Fang what the hell he's doing working for a Libertarian outfit. He wrote an entire book on these scumbags and can't recognize it when he's sitting right next to them?: http://www.eclectablog.com/...

Apparently, Fang WAS just about born yesterday, by the looks of him. Cute but lacking in discernment, life experience, and the ability to Google the Libertarian Party's history, is my guess.

Because this Libertarian crap weasel is the loudest mouth out there screaming about how Democrats should just go ahead and elect more Koch whores: http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

THAT is how far right propaganda works and believe me, it hasn't escaped notice by those of us down here at the grassroots level. You Netroots dinks remember us, right? We're the people whose "best interests" ya'll claim to have at heart, the ones who knock on doors, man phone banks, donate our pennies, attend protests, compile research, volunteer for assorted progressive campaigns, etc., etc,. ad infinitum: http://angryblackladychroni...

You mad, bro? Damn straight we're mad, dudebros. Moreover, we're not keeping it to ourselves.

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Why are teachers' rewarded or punished because of the kids? It's the kids who are failing to learn. I propose a performance-based student compensation system. Failing test scores: No drivers' license, and the only extracurricular activity is study hall.Marginal test scores: The only car you can drive is a Cooper Mini. You can belong to the Stamp Club or the Model Railroad Club.Passing test scores: You can drive a compact and belong to any clubs.Superior test scores: You can drive anything, belong to any club, and play lacrosse, badminton or shuffleboard.Outstanding test scores. All activities open. As Sean Connery said in "The Rock," you can play varsity, then "go home and #### the prom queen."

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See, not every Colorado kid is a stoner.

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My husband went to a Jesuit HS and had the same sort of experience.

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Um, we're still gerrymandered to all hell here in Ohio, and issue 1 won't take effect until the next redistricting in ... 2021. I'm glad we've finally agreed to do something about it, but we have to sit and wait a while.

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In Catholic school, we were read (did not read ourselves) the complete works of Dr Tom Dooley even before escalation; so that when the Americans entered the fight, we understood that South Vietnam was populated by Catholic, democratic, honest patriots.

Imagine my surprise when I later read 'Fire in the Lake' and discovered everything I had been taught was crap.

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