They wouldn't know a good joke if it hit them on the head and the whole audience laughed.

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No, they're not.

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Direct rebuttal? How Orwellian, how Hitlerian - those monsters!

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Spartacist Youth League, probs.

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Nixon's youth vote called themselves the Young Americans for Freedom. We called them YAFs for Laffs.

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Well as we know, people who really want abortions, and have money, will always be able to find a private doctor to perform a D&C procedure to get rid of that pesky little, um, cyst that turned up a couple months back. Banning abortion is only really for Teh Poors.

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It certainly is when they do it, but that's because they always wear white gloves.

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Young Republicans, FFS. Abortions are easily prevented by affordable access to BIRTH CONTROL. Why don't you put your energy into doing something about that instead of this tiresome bleating about dead babies that aren't actually?

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It's so cute how babby Repubs develop their sense of butthurt at such an early age.

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<i>But perhaps it is a failure of comprehension on yours?? Or just willful thickheadedness. Take your pick.</i>

Everything's always about choice, with <i>you people</i>, Snipy.

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I bet the second one of those Young Republicans has a drunken one-night stand who shows up with an EPT, all their moral caterwauling will go straight into the dumpster.

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“It’s really just an appalling act … I’m pro-choice and I found the promotion for the event really unappealing and distasteful,”

Yes, that is appalling, like on the same level of appaling as women having their right to choose taken away.

Go fuck yourself, you milquetoast asshole.

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Every college republican who is anti-choice should be required to prove it by sticking a wire coat hanger up his/her peepee and rooting around. If they're still anti-choice after that, we promise to respect their opinions. Deal?

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Evidently, they're patriots at the blastula stage ... and probably Republican by the time they're gastrulas.

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bigger, and far from gut-less.

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We had a Libertardian Club - guys who'd read Ayn Rand in high school* and somehow never wised up. But yeah, we called them "assholes" too.

*Books truly unsuitable for children - yet it's "Catcher in the Rye" that the old biddies are always trying to ban.

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