Virginia -- 400 years of tradition unhampered by progress.

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Hilary handily won Virginia. The only southern state she won. Virginia has voted for a democrat for president four straight times, including twice for an African American and once for a woman. After not voting for a democrat for 44 years, since the LBJ 1964 landslide.

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You guys are the BEST!

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I talked with an uncle who is a big fundraiser for McAuliffe yesterday. He mentioned the Youngkin gaffe about anti-choice positions, and topped it with a recorded appearance before the Virginia Farm Bureau. Virginia Farmers care a TON about the Chesapeake Bay. Keeping it and its tributaries clean. Against Big Ag and runoff. Apparently Youngkin waffled and wouldn't take a position on the Bay.

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There were a lot of contributions to her loss, including some that can be laid at her own feet, but there is no doubt that if the timing of the Comey statements and the pussy grab tape had been reversed that Trump would have lost the EC as well.

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Complacency, particularly with the presence of a potentially disastrous candidate like Larry Elder, could have been......very, very bad.

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I prefer G demolished.

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Do you record on digital or analogue equipment (I have with the latter)? My new digital recorder is driving me bugward, but I am an old, afterall.

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Her daughter probably didn't study or wasn't smart enough.

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1)Ginni Thomas2) still don't know but some dark money guy

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Nor should you, if they aren't part of the solution, then they are part of the problem.

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It's an act, she'll go on Fox, and giggle how she worked the judge, and got off lightly.

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Seconded, what a trashy place.

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Prior reporting said they judge the quality of your work, hers was not good.

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My son had a dismal high school career and got his GED. He spent five years in community college, then got serious and transferred to a state university in electrical engineering. Once there, he was one of their best students in a very tough program. Now he has an excellent job and is almost finished with his MS in electrical engineering. The grades that ended up mattering were his math and EE grades at the university. There are excellent engineering programs in state universities. His college of engineering benchmarks their curriculum on MIT and Stanford. They have partnerships with NASA and several leading aerospace corporations. That is what I would look for in a college.

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This is so great to hear your son is amazing!! I will pass this info to my son thank you so much

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