Are you guys ready to have your world rocked by Dinesh D'Souza's America, a film that just got highlighted at CPAC and is causing a mass epidemic of fapping over at WND? Yes you are, because this trailer is a BEAST.
There does need to be a repentance from the Christians, all the narrow-minded bigots from Westboro and Pat Robertson down to the snake-handlers. Wailing and gnashing of teeth when they realize the error of their ways
"The only people that believe that Bamz personally ordered Eric Holder to jackboot on over and arrest Dinesh are friends and family of Dinesh"
I wager he's got more than a few family members who wish it would happen.
D'Ranged on the Wing Nutz' Daily website: "Modern progressives, he noted, allege America and its wealth is based on theft."
First of all, most progressives would say "are." Second - just whom is he claiming said this?
And they think that Catholics are a different category from "Christians". They have this in common with most of my high school world religion students, then.
<i>being prosecuted on campaign-finance charges that many believe are payback for his film &ldquo;2016: Obama&rsquo;s America,&rdquo;</i>
Of course, the fact that he actually did the crime has absolutely nothing to do with it.
There does need to be a repentance from the Christians, all the narrow-minded bigots from Westboro and Pat Robertson down to the snake-handlers. Wailing and gnashing of teeth when they realize the error of their ways
Should be in anamorphic ratio, that way it could be a double-wide trailer.
Watch a DD trailer? Not even with Callyson&#039;s eyes!
Perhaps Dinesh will flee to France?
&quot;The only people that believe that Bamz personally ordered Eric Holder to jackboot on over and arrest Dinesh are friends and family of Dinesh&quot;
I wager he&#039;s got more than a few family members who wish it would happen.
Because a teabagger and his money are easily parted. Just ask Sarah, Rush, Glenn, Rupert...
<i>&quot;What would the world look like ... without America?&quot;</i>
Dunno about the world, but we&#039;d be more like Canada: national health care, fewer guns, excessive politeness.
<i>&ldquo;Imagine ... what would the world look like if America did not exist?&rdquo;</i>
I prefer to imagine a world in which Dinesh D&#039;Souza did not exist.
D&#039;Ranged on the Wing Nutz&#039; Daily website: &quot;Modern progressives, he noted, allege America and its wealth is based on theft.&quot;
First of all, most progressives would say &quot;are.&quot; Second - just whom is he claiming said this?
And they think that Catholics are a different category from &quot;Christians&quot;. They have this in common with most of my high school world religion students, then.
<i>being prosecuted on campaign-finance charges that many believe are payback for his film &ldquo;2016: Obama&rsquo;s America,&rdquo;</i>
Of course, the fact that he actually did the crime has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I&#039;m just going to wait for the free copy that&#039;ll get tossed into the morning paper in 18 months.
Prosecuted/persecuted for his little oeuvre? How about &quot;roundly ignored by the public&quot;.
Dinesh, man - I hate to break it to you, but those guys at CPAC? They&#039;re never going to really like you.