Squi is/was a person, I think.

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Yes. Thus, Trump's desperation to dismantle anything Obama and anything Liz Warren and then talk about "winning." We don't need no stinkin' clean air or water. Winning!

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When was the last time Bernie didn't have a job in politics? Did he ever have a job that wasn't in politics?

Holy fuck, the guy's a career politician. He is pretty much the dictionary definition of a career politician.

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Just the minority, who didn’t vote for her, and who also believe that, only in this case, winning the popular vote doesn’t mean shit.

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yes . . . so we'll just have to elect the party that hunts down fuckwads.

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That’s true, and we would have had even better health care if they hadn’t monkeyed with the original version of the bill and left in the public option.

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But he can't remember the password for his phone.

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TARP was a loan program and the loans were paid back, with interest. It's very much apples and oranges.

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So Kegs is going to recuse himself?

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We've had enough bad news this week. Give the man a break.

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Yes. The scientists are wrong about the root causes of global warming - it's not carbon fuel emissions - which are simple to control, if in concept. No, it's the great disparity of wealth in this country. Without oil oligarchs, there would have been no Reagan removing Carter's solar hot water system from the White House; there would have been no Putin and GOP enthralled to Russia; there would have been no decades-long disinformation campaign against science; there would have been (perhaps?) no oil wars.

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I hope we get either a President or Treasury Secretary Warren in 2021 so she can strap Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, David Solomon, Mike Corbat, et al in the ball kicking machine for 8 years and let it run.

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