Absolutely worthless. Clogs immediately when you fill it with sour cream.

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But you're talking about the past 30-40 years in reality America, and he's talking about the last 30-40 years that exist only in the darkest corner of his hippocampus.

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OT but related: It's like the question, "If you lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car and open the trunk after four hours, which one will be glad to see you?"

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Or let his kid(s) take it out of the box....

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Because up till now, it has happened so rarely!

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They haven't gotten past 8 yet. Heavily armed Man-babies with no filter, no self-control and no conscience.

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Living lives absolutely dominated by a hugely inflated sense of grievance that anyone else would ever see them as less than the very pinnacle of Manly Manhood.

Seriously..."Lets piss off Mom!" nails it. he's at the emotional level of the two year old melting down in the store because mom didn't get him the right BOX of the superfrosted double sugar bombs.

Not 'not buy them' or not getting 'the right brand' HE WANTED the box to the LEFT of the one she picked up, and SHE DIDN'T GET IT FOR HIM!!!!!

I wouldn't trust this guy with an actual lego toy pistol.

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I wonder what the market for dildo guns is.

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OH. MY. GOD. That guy is a sociopath.

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Okay, I admit I laughed out loud.

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Because I care. And because otherwise I'd have to focus on work.

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OMFG. May the goddess Anoia notice this stupid gun humping sociopath named Brandon Scott and make sure his toys never work properly again.

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Yes, let's encourage people of all ages to play with real guns. No one ever got killed "playing with their gun." Culper and Brandon Scott can go fuck themselves

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pardon my silliness, bit won't the plastic Lego's melt after several shots from that gun? so no more Lego's will fit yo it? as well as spoiling the "finish"?

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with their own guns! not that I hope the fire while up there, just shove them there!

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There are plastics that can withstand those temperatures, but if it were made of actual Legos, it probably would melt, through.

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