for a minute I thought you said "physical" education and wondered why you would be bombarded with textbook manuscripts......as you were.....

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what the hell did he mean? sounds like the old meme "All your base are belong to us."

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Shibusa's non comment also to you.

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Clark insisted she had no idea her tweets were public, because after all she addressed them very directly to Donald Trump.

Nice ... a clueless dipshit AND a racist knob. Georgia Clark is a Trumpling's dream come true. Even as we speak there are surely thousands of such creatures wearing MAGA hats and nothing else having a pud-pounding, salami-slapping, bishop-beating, gherkin-jerkin' good time to that photo and them thar tweets.

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"Witless protections". <- win

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This woman knows so little about the Interimnets and the Twiters that she thinks that she will get help from Mr. President Trump, sir by sending him very private Twites which nobody else is supposed to read.

Doesn't she know that the correct way to solve this problem of the illegals and the kids and the illegal public kids in the schools which is illegal is to address a Letter to the Editor of her local new spaper. IMPORTANT: Be sure to address it to Mr. V. Putine, The Kremeline, FOR YOUR EYES ONELY. Mr. Putine then issues his orders to Mr. President Trump, sir and so and forth.

This must be done exactely and with persision because if you make a mitsake, every things becomes pubic and can be rid and comentored on by any sort of body.

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There was a little girl,Who had a little curl.Right in the middle of her forehead

And when she was good,She wasn't very good,But when she was bad,She got fired from the Forth Worth Independent School District. Finally! - Henry Wadsworth Longwhacker

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Neither. Just a swap-out making no difference whatsoever.

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I wonder how Texicans feel about all the TexMex coming out of old, old Mexico?If you disassociate Mexicans from Texas, you make Texas null and void...or vice versa.That's it, not another taco of any variety may be eaten until this Texican mess is no mas!

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No. Since when does preferring an out-of-date hairstyle, or out of fashion clothing make one a hateful person? Please note, I'm not saying she's a good person, or that she should be responsible for teaching children anything. But attacking her on the basis of her looks is just plain wrong. Attack her on the basis of what's really wrong with her.

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She seems nice.

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Poor cats. They must feel so dirty.

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My dental hygienist is Hispanic and her family has been in what is now Texas for almost 400 years. They're all bilingual, too, to accommodate us English speaking newbies.

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thanks, i go hot and cold on this middle school thing.

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That isn't what I said. I said her completely out of date hairstyle and clothing show us someone who refuses to participate in the world as it is today (and these are styles from the 1950s), and that her facial expression is what shows her as hateful. Taken together these make her unattractive. I can retract the part about being "out of date," because if she had a kind, loving expression on her face, it's true, she'd look perfectly attractive and pleasant. But I have always noticed that hate and cruelty in one's face make an otherwise attractive person look unattractive, and for that reason, one notices their looks adversely (Kellyanne Conway is another such person). And that is emblematic of what's actually wrong with them.

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