Because America's the #1 greatest best most awesomest country evah and always, but only when the Preznit boasts about it constantly <b>and is white</b>.

Just a little clarification, there.

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Goshamighty. You're good at this.

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Heh... I read that as "global corporation", and it still worked.

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Also, Osama sleeps with da fishes.

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Because America's the #1 greatest best most awesomest country evah and always, but <em>only when the Preznit boasts about it constantly</em>. Admitting that other countries exist and maybe have views of their own makes us weak, because that's how fuckin' <em>awesome</em> we are.

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Exceptionalizm. I do <i>sooo</i> love that word (not). Let us examine at <i>what</i>, we in the US, would seem to be exceptional, at least as we are seen by much of the rest of the world, shall we?

The US is <i>exceptionally</i> self centered. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> myopic. (Is that already a redundancy?) The US is <i>exceptionally</i> unapologetic for its transgressions upon humanity. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> unforgiving of all others whom <i>it deems</i> have transgressed against it. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> disrepectful of other's sovereignty. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> disrepectful of other's cultures. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> imperialistic. The US is <i>exceptionally</i> short-sighted. The US is <i>exceptional</i> at incarcerating people, with and without due process. The US is <i>exceptional</i> at making excuses for war. The US is <i>exceptional</i> at oligarchy and its perpetuation.

I think the point here is that one's unqualified use of the word "exceptionalism," when one is speaking of the US in particular, is so fraught with moral repugnance as to immediately, irreparably, and irretrievably DISQUALIFY them from any position even remotely related to governing, in all its iterations.

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Indeed. While I know it "pays the bills," I always feel close to retching if my eyes accidentally linger too long up there by mistake. Serious EWWW.

Alas that is by their design.

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First she'll deal with Syria. Then Iran. Then North Korea. Then Venezuela. Then Cuba. Then . . .

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What better proof of American Exceptionalism than the wit and wisdom of George W. Bush.

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"I believe it was <i>Bin Laden Determined to Attack in US</i>."

Enough said.

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Every time I read the words "American Exceptionalism" I think, Decline and Fall: See Roman Empire

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