Terrorist hair pies are still cool though, right?

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w' al-Mart actually.

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What were they supposed to do? That sugary abomination had to go and the baker blew his chance to burn it...

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It is known *nods sagely*

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To paraphrase Nietzsche: "If you stare into the derp for too long, the derp stares right back, buddy!"

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All this proves is that the cake decorator is as clueless as the cake buyer. Ignorant people stay inside their little bubbles with little to no information about the outside world. The Terrorists in America carry the Confederate flags & kill their fellow citizens, Isis? Not so much & if they do, they aren't glorifying their flag across the Country while claiming it's their heritage, not hate.

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How can Chuck think he's a real man when he doesn't ride a Harley? When I was young, rebels rode Harleys, now mostly old republicans ride them.

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Are we sure it's an ISIS flag and not a flag with dildos?

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So John Rhys Davies is super anti Islam and a huge conservative.

Viggo Mortenson is a total hippie who I'm pretty sure is constantly stoned.

So the LOTR get togethers can be a little tense from what I understand.

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Time to expand and strengthen that bulwark of anti-terrorist legislation, the USA Patriot Act, to include pastry.

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I absolutely believe that the Walmart associate had no idea what the design on the cake was.

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Damn, he fine.

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I hope that the Walmart "associate" who was duped into making the cake wasn't fired for this. I'm pretty sure that identifying enemy flags isn't in the job description. Meanwhile, Walmart gave a measured, appropriate response, and didn't seem to go all batshit about it.

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I left mine out in the rain.

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i had an amf sporty25 years ago. ruined harley for me. it was a POS. dirt tracks are packed as hard as concrete. the trails i ride are kinda squishy.

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Re "you bag of Bubba dicks"--Interestingly, the Yiddish phrase "umboobadik" ("oom-BUUH-buh-dik") means (like everything else in Yiddish) "confused, disoriented." So there you have it.

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