This guy gives a pretty good translation.


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Damn, I'll bet that was awesome.

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Wingnuts think this means that we are coming for their (burning) crosses next.

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One of my favorite stories, I read it as a kid in a little book about A Lincoln's wit. If half of them were true, he would be a good Wonkette commenter.

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Damm I didn't see this before I said the same about Abe :)

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Clever of those sneaky libs to get republicans to do all the dirty work

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... dafuq did I just read?

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... would have sent a message as well. Somebody was bound to ask "sumpthin' wrong wit the roof?"... and then it could be explained to them in single syllable terms.

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... considering they would be higher than the One World Trade Center, I want to see where he stores them.

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... I've never understood why po' white southerns were so eager to fight a war which would only benefit the rich plantation owners and do absolutely nothing to alleviate the squalor of their lives. Were they thinking "Yee haw! I's gonna own me a big mansion AND some slaves too one day!" - ?

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Kinda crazy, but somehow not.

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I don't hate the movie, but I agree, Pulp Fiction was undeniably better.

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Yes. Yes we do. And we do it because we actually give a damn about all people, not just the whahs.

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