" ...The old “pillow on the couch routine.” Even more ominous than the lazier “ace of spades with a knife stuck in it” message. ... Next, while out walking late one afternoon, at twilight, a rough-looking stranger wearing a tricorn hat will appear out of the evening mists and hand him a piece of paper. It will be a page torn out of a bible and will have a black spot drawn on it. The stranger will then wheel and disappear into the fog.
Someone breaks into my office and leaves papers lying around everywhere, I never know where my coffee cup will be, there are piles of books all over...
I Know What You Did (In Your Adult Diapers) Last Summer
My onion is missing! HELP POLICE!
hi FL:
could you just <i>stop for godssake?!?</i>
the rest of us
Um, no, and also you should buy more M&amp;Ms.
So much win.
&quot;left an item in a very, very prominent place to make sure I knew they had been there.&quot;
Translation: he crapped on the floor of the kitchen - blames intruders.
He looks like a creepy, unlikeable, paranoid version of Regis Philbin.
&quot; ...The old &ldquo;pillow on the couch routine.&rdquo; Even more ominous than the lazier &ldquo;ace of spades with a knife stuck in it&rdquo; message. ... Next, while out walking late one afternoon, at twilight, a rough-looking stranger wearing a tricorn hat will appear out of the evening mists and hand him a piece of paper. It will be a page torn out of a bible and will have a black spot drawn on it. The stranger will then wheel and disappear into the fog.
Someone breaks into my office and leaves papers lying around everywhere, I never know where my coffee cup will be, there are piles of books all over...