What a well thought out counter point.

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there's nothing in your comment too.

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Which part? That measles can causes deafness or that anti-vaccination nonsense is a fad? Do please enlighten us about the actual, verifiable ADRs of vaccinations. Anecdotes, anything by Andrew Wakefield and folksy wisdom do not count. I'll give you a passing grade if you at least manage to accurately quote a package insert for any vaccine.

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inform yourself IF you want to, which i doubt.

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Oh cutie pie. You are so adorable when you say stuff like that. Your answer is a cop-out because learning actual facts would crush your derpy world view.

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sure dear, you go with that.

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Yeah? Am I going to be "swimming with the fishes" anytime soon??

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Is that a type of pasta?

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Pssh! That was so 1970–2016, Poppy. Concrete shoes are back en vogue.

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The MN department of health can come up with a response on this.


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another pro who can't understand the difference between outcome and incidence.nutrition helps with outcome, not incidence.

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No actually.It's about 4 times.

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Is someone typing under your name then? Because you were certainly pushing good nutrition as a backstop against measles. Did you forget like Trump forgets or are you just lying like a common Trump? Go bother someone else. You are not just wrong, you are boring.

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Yes, I do know what "underpowered" means. It means that the number of subjects in the study is too small to draw firm conclusions.

Medical studies are usually so expensive and difficult that results that have a 5% likelihood of being purely random are often reported as possibly significant, and a researcher, having done a study, is always tempted to analyze it to death to find something significant. That's a major reason why so many isolated studies of marginal significance turn out to be wrong. That is what I was referring to in my facetious comment about dental hygiene and toenail fungus -- until a result is confirmed, it's very likely to be just noise.

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who is against a retrospective vaxxed/unvaxxed study?those who have something to lose.

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