Right? They're half that cost at the high end model.

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Always appropriate. Been a long time since I've seen those.

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Combine that with the greater ease of auditing someone who MIGHT have a shoebox full of receipts with someone having multiple tax shelters, offshore accounts, diversified investments, etc...

Oh, that and the systematic dismantling of the IRS.

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We bought our first Seattle house for $85k in 1984, it's now worth $800K and it's not anything special.

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It's the same with small, independent family farms. Everything on the farm is grown according to organic and sustainable principles, but the farm is not USDA certified organic, and the farmer's asking price for the produce is closer to conventionally grown than certified organic.

Why? Good question. I know small organic farmers. They haven't got $10,000 to pay for organic certification! If they did have an "extra" $10,000 sitting around doing nothing, they'd use it to (1) upgrade equipment, (2) rent more land, or (3) invest in the farm's infrastructure and pay the workers more. When certain publications (I'm looking at you, NYT) publish articles on organic certification, they list every requirement except the $10,000 payment. Do they really believe ten grand is small potatoes? (Forgive the pun.)

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I suspect somewhere deep inside their grinches small hearts, the answer to that is wrapped in the phrase 'undeserving poor'.

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Remember everything they threw at Hils? They will trot it all out again twice over if Liz becomes the nom - three times; twice is for her lookin like she's got a shot at it. Not only is she Scary Woman - you know how us harpies just luuuvv to go around cutting dangly boy bits off! - but she's a good few notches further left as well. The only thing that'd scare em worse would be if Kamala had come out of the gate that organized.

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People would rather gamble away their money for the chance of a big score, than pay taxes for a guaranteed return. Go figure

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Income inequality is bad enough in the US, but wealth inequality (stocks, bonds, real estate, cash, ownership of companies, or anything else that can be converted to cash) is even worse. In 2016, the top 10% the public owned over 75% of the wealth. The bottom 50% owned less that 1%. 10% had a negative net worth.

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the target is 92% (the historically top rate) . . . and don't let them get it below 85%.

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I won't blame all of it on prez Hero At Normandy. The last year I worked (2009), I paid more in taxes than Zuckerberg...or several others. And I worked 38 hours a week at about 1/3 over min. wage.

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Another thing, Mr. Smart-guy Burns: 10% a year every year for eight years? Are you fucking kidding me?

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I shoulda scrolled down.

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In completely unrelated news...https://twitter.com/TheOnio...

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We all know about your leaking prolapsed anus, Devin. It's your face.

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Mike Costin and Keith Duckworth on line one.

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