I wouldn't fuck her with Rush Limbaugh's dick. Mostly because I don't think I could find it. But I wouldn't fuck her on principle either.

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Not exactly the right translation, but I like it.

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Rational thought and empathy seem to have left.

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Tank Girl libel!

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This is the most ridiculously wrong article. Its almost funny when you once you realize it is fiction. That means made up for anyone that needs help. You are free to go anywhere and save the children. People need to understand that many groups like this make money for writing propoganda. They all live comfortably off the money political pacs pay them. If you doubt me, Look up George Soros list of fellows the last decade. He pays them a 'scholarship' of 58,000 to 100,000 dollars...to do all kinds of 'work'. The woman who chained herself to a car at Trumps Fountain Hills , Az. Rally is a George Soros 'fellow'2011. Her photo as a fellow perfectly matches her photo of being arrested for unlawfully blocking the Road, among other charges. This article comes off as a fictional story, written by a paid employee from a save the whole frigging world foundation. 😫Pitiful

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U.S is a large country. Have you veted your information, and would you mind sharing those sources.

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Oh, you're jes jellus cuz the pipples what rites for and redes this site is litrit.

Don wurry, EH, it not to late fur yew to git an edication.

Oh, and having compassion for people from nations WHERE AMERICAN INTERVENTION CREATED CORRUPTION AND TERRIFYING LEVELS OF VIOLENCE will probably make your life better, not worse.

Now skiddaddle, and git some buk larnin.

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Lifetime subscription to In Style.

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Alternative Truth: I was a George Soros Paid Stooge Once! But all I got was a lousy "Truck Fump" t-shirt! You are a complete loon and a heartless ignorant privileged loon to boot as in here comes a steel toed boot to your ignoramassicist 2016 ass. Sad. Low Energy. Brain Ded Moran.Yeah ok with votes lots and lots of votes like a fuckton. Whtvr

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Now that they're dead, they're not your problem. Congratulations, you brainless bitch.

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"We know nothing about her at all"

We know she is overly fond of self-tanning.

I bet she goes to church every Sunday, too.

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Yep, that would us, too, again also. WE SUCK.

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Motherfucker. If I had moved to Canada during Bush II I could have citizenship by now. MOTHERFUCKER.

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I'm tired of people killing children.

The photograph of that little boy facing the Forces of Authority reminds me of the hero of Tienanmen Square, facing the tanks, and not in an uplifting way.

This has been a shitty August in the great sixties tradition of shitty Augusts. I'm going to spend the rest of the month watching Farscape reruns and taking drugs.

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Brown people get her down, but as long as there is Cheez Wiz, Duck Dynasty and Fox News her life will be a wonderland.

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Well, it's no Ferguson, MO.

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