I fart in your general direction . ( OWM)

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A triumph of scottish engineering - the wall . For a while it seemed to be in cultural retreat but newer stainless steel ones are back ( not as satisfactory as the Shanks porcelain Wurlitzer , but still allowing the satisfaction of peeing away the dried margins of previous micturitions ). It was possible to read on the # 27 bus in Edinburgh and yet be alerted to ones whereabouts by the pong emanating from the ' Gentlemans ' at the foot of The Mound .

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It turns out that trans- is a quite prolific prefix in English! Life's gonna be triggering for them.

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No, but I do have a story about Hampshire. Back in the day, I was involved with a young woman that I really didn't have anything in common with except sex. She was really into weed, but weed made me retreat into my head, which isn't really isn't a nice place. Anyway, after a nightmare visit with her folks, she says that I should meet up with her the following morning and she'd drive up to Hampshire to meet a friend and invited me along. (This was during winter break at our university.) This was a bit of a trick for me as I was staying with relatives in Jersey, so it was a bus ride, two subway rides, and a commuter train ride to her ritzy suburb - about two hours each way if the connections were good. So, after a little snogging in the car park, I went back to Jersey and got up early enough the next morning to meet her at 10 AM at the station. We drove up to Massachusetts in relative silence. We stopped at a Howard Johnson's in Amherst for lunch where she told me that she wanted to end our relationship. We then drove up to Hampshire where she met up with her friend. They dropped acid together and went off raving while I was sitting on a stranger's dorm floor feeling extremely sorry for myself. After about eight hours or so she came back and drove me back to the train station where she'd picked me up, At that hour, it was more like a four-hour journey back to where I was staying. While I recognize the comedic elements of the story now, at the time it left me utterly wretched.

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it has been wonkette legendary hearsay.

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Their bathrooms are more private, though, without the giant gaps so people can look in to make sure you're not doping up or having sexytimes in the stall. D;

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I worked nights while attending school in the mornings for my associate's in culinary. As such, I'd often go to school straight from work and sleep in the parking lot for an hour or two before classes started, and freshen up in the bathroom just before. So sleep-deprived me, I go into the bathroom and see my male classmate washing his hands, freak out and go outside to double-check I didn't walk into the wrong bathroom. That was how I learned he was trans. I would have never known, otherwise. I should have asked why he was using the women's, if it were by choice or not. Because I do know transmen are often safer in women's spaces than men's, too, thanks to toxic masculinity and femme-phobia (incl. trans- and homophobia).

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How much taxpayer money is that school wasting on legal fees?

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Republicans have penis envy and pee fetishes and a myriad of reproductive organ issues.Who knows how their thinking works, it's crotch centric and shame derived.

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Language is weird.

"You drive on a parkway. You park on a driveway."

"Iceland is green. Greenland is ice."

(Does anyone remember what commercials used those two phrases?)

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Thank you. I sit corrected.

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8-year-old me, to my dad: "That's not fair!"Dad, to me: "Life ain't fair."

Asshole was right.

I'm so sorry.

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it's kind of like Schrödingers irony.

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RWNJ at my job flipped out because the bathroom keys opened both men’s and women’s bathrooms.He said he was afar for his wife, who also worked there.Only about 25 people were in the office and had keys. They both worked there for over 20 years and never had a problem until trump took office.Thesis people are horrible.

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Ooops I should scrolled down first.

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