Tragically you now have to live out the rest of your life in NE.

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Oh yes...for the "right" kind of people.

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I dunno, that sounds like a lot of work. Can't we just take away their Grand Theft Auto, cross our fingers and hope for the best?

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They still have their Gov. He's a law enforcement 'tool.'

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Is that better or worse than going in *shudders* January?

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The only other thing missing is rentboys.

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What he said.

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Nous sommes tous des décortiqueuses de maïs?

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You aren't from New York, are ya?

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Great, but what's going to be the impact on more sequels to Children of the Corn?

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They can always shoot it in Iowa. Who will know the difference?

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Good news for a change.

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100% against standard republican ideals!

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Yeah, I've never understood why killing the Son of God was supposed to redeem us. Why did God need a blood sacrifice, of His own son yet, before He could forgive mankind?

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The Narnia explanation was "Deeper Magic, from Before the Dawn of Time", which makes as much sense as most of the grown up theology about this.

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It's unclear to me how the death penalty protects law enforcement.

Please, Mr. Ricketts, explain.

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