Hmmm, a 4-pack of baby formula costs twice as much as a 650-round brick of ammo, so there may be some wiggle room there. Just kidding, a tax on ammo is unconstitutional.

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Who profits from this are Mexican curandaros and pharmacists and some MDs. Ulcer medication available in Mexico is being used to induce abortions in Texas, the problem being it is hardly foolproof, and likely to cause other complications. While illegal in most parts of the country, abortions are being performed here, under varying medical conditions.

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no, no, no, lower supplies, and larger specimens, mean increased price, not lower. supply and demand, don't you know.

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sic 'em! get 'em! tear 'em a new one! hehehe! this shit is aggravating as fuck, huh?

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now that's fast! you ought to see two of them fighting over a cicada.

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Can put the lie to these strict anti-abortion laws in red states? Anywhere they've cut funding for children's health services shows painfully obviously they are not actually looking out for children at all.

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iff'n you cain't make a sammich, you deserve to starve. IT"S MEAT, AND BREAD, AND CHEESE, DAMMIT! i just made one, grilled ham and cheese on rye.

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they would have to be a lot better at that, then they are at present day investigating. look how many innocents are freed from death row, not in texas, but everywhere else.

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Now see, that is a man made sammich. A woman made sammich would have all sorts of stuff - lettuce, 'mater, mustard, mayo, pickles, onion. All sorts a' shit that I have no idea where it's kept in the house.

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she never put that nasty, slimy garden on my sammich, she knew better. damn, i miss her.

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Texas: where if you listen at JUST the right time you can hear a chemical manufacturer exploding, a pig feces lagoon detonating and a pregnant woman who can't get a legal abortion breaking down all simultaneously for freedom.

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O, they're always willing to sell you shit. And that's the "food" you'll be getting in a few years after they junk all the Health & Safety regs.

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Ah, Texanus. Nuff said.

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It really is. It's not a concern for me anymore (barring some Bristol-type immaculate conception) but it kills me for mah sisters : (

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I suppose it's too much to hope that many, many women will decide that they don't want to live in that shithole of a state.

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It's a mystery why they stay. I wonder how many would have to GTFO before it became noticeable?

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