It was about that same age that my uncle gave me a pile of Heinlein novels. My mom was all, [titter] "oh, science fiction. Nothing there that could change a Catholic upbringing."

Lazarus Long - 1 Catholic church - 0

Sorry mom.

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I bet the fundies are in a lather. I'm guessing this will be on the lips of a majority of preachers/pastors/priests and associated charlatans this Sunday.

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Didn't he shrug or something?

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"Why are people so afraid of others thinking for themselves?"

If someone doesn't think they way you want them to think, it diminishes his perceived power.

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Only if his aim is true.

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It's a hallowgram.

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it's the double negative: 68% of young american cretins have never doubted down from 76% of young americans who never doubted.

so it's only a quarter to a third who HAVE doubted.

fucking sampling.

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well i think god is just one of us. just a slob like one of us.

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I don't believe in Carol Costello...nor her uncle Abbot.

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Parentally compelled attendance at Vacation Bible Camp = perfectly fine

Daily group recital of the Pledge, including "under God" = perfectly fine

Voluntary participation in a High School discussion group = indoctrination.

I see. I see clearly. Fuck you very much, Carol Costello, and the weasel words you rode in on (all of them, Katie).

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I'm guessing that's salt water taffy.

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A seven foot tall albino transvestite Libertarian Communist will be president multiple times before an atheist. Fuck 'em all and the dinosaurs they rode in on.

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If this bimbette was any stupider, she'd be Wolf Blitzer.

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CNN actually has a stained glass window set?

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What I think is that we are all just symbionts in some graduate student's thesis project in computer science, making him, therefor, God. I like to think of him as that fat naked guy at the keyboard they show a picture of here from time to time.

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