Patriots would be in charge of their own death panels.

Besides, the average <b>Amercian</b> is nowhere near 80.

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"If" it gets worse.

Your optimism is like a blimp under my feet.

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<blockquote> and do some real fucking stimulus spending (there's a shit ton of infrastructure work that needs to be done, and that is an investment in the future of this country)</blockquote>

If you run for office I will try really hard to move back to Northern CA to vote for you.

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Because the filters consider us retarded, we're not allowed to subscribe to the intriguing theories presented in your newsletter.

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"fed" men. Lulz.

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Well, and if he weren't such a misogynistic, racist nutball.

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Thus explaining why the goobers have decided they now hate him.

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Freakin' showoff.

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He'll still need to borrow another few trillion, pocket a third of it, fire all the citizens, and renege on their SS retirement income, if he's going to fully utilize the "business acumen" that made him such a rich fuck in the first place.

We'd all be busted flat, of course, but hey ... talent like that doesn't come cheap.

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Be glad you were able to sneak inTRIGuing past them!

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Mitt Romney ... well, he blames one person. And it ain't Dubya.

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And clothes. They have clothes.

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Republican economic planning relies entirely on your not making it to 80. If you're still hanging around at that point (and you're not a millionaire), it's because you hate America.

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The invisible hand is pulling on an invisible latex glove.

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She's the "It Girl"? Who knew?

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A little OT, but John Sununu said businesses are scared to death that Obama will get re-elected in which case they will move their trillions off-shore in huge cargo planes. But if Romney wins, they'll open the bank doors and shout "free money everyone". (I paraphrase slightly).

But I notice that as Obama's In-trade odds go up, so does the Dow. The opposite of Sununu's prediction. Look at the graphs. There's a technical term for Sununu's argument: bullshit.

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