Retrofitting should include loading the ICE engines into a B52 and air dropping them on Mal-de-mer-a-lago

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Possums don't retweet porn.

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Congress doesn't have the guts to do anything that saves money or makes sense.

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I miss took my 8x10 school portrait for a sheet of plywood.

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Seems like y'all would have home generators if the power goes out so often that you're afraid to have an EV. Maybe some solar panels would help, since it's the sunshine state.

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Read this guy's post history. He's a troll. A dumb one.

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I wish you were running for my county commissioner.

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That's what Trump would do, and nobody stopped him for four years

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A/C? A/C?? No, this is not a "When I was a boy!..." non-post. BUT-- with USPS being largely a parcel post operation these days, A/C??? The rule used to be, and I'm pretty sure still is, if (your) vehicle is within your line of sight, you can leave it open and unlocked. Wheels curbed, engine OFF(!), keys out of the ignition (in your hand), as you dash up to the addressee's door, etc, etc... With the giant window open for regular mail delivery, and the door opened every other stop for parcel post delivery, A/C always used to be considered superfluous. And, it kinda was.

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DeJoy has got to go. He was put in place to dismantle & destroy the service. If that's no longer the mission, cut him loose. There is always a process to get the cuttin' done, and there is no Eternal PMG.

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This is dead on the vine. Joe Manchin will demand an "all of the above" policy, which so far has excluded investment in renewables, specifically.

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Ouch!! (Nice.)

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That’s it exactly. There are some great EV YouTube channels out there that spend all their time discussing what it’s like living with an EV, including some created by people who live in cold climates, and from what I’ve seen it’s entirely doable to run an EV in a cold climate.

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"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome postmaster?".

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Totally agree. This has been a learning experience for most if not all of us.

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That's really what it comes down to in both transition to EVs and DeJoy's motivations, isn't it?

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