Research has gone into supply chains when coming up with prizes for battery research.

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Free Beano for everyone!

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As Trump's only real talent is for destroying things, it's an improvement that he's destroying a bad thing.

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Similarly to the worldwide layer of ash marking the K-T boundary, people project there will be a layer of plastic marking our time.

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That's why I chose that question.

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It's like realizing "Easy Reader" on the Electric Company was Morgan Freeman.

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I love this scene.

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Plant trees?

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thank you very much

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Know what else is in there?

$7 billion for broadband connectivity and infrastructure.

That amount includes $3.2 billion for a $50-a-month emergency broadband benefit for low-income households and those that have suffered a significant loss of income in 2020, and a $75-a-month rebate for those living on tribal lands. It also includes $1 billion in grants for tribal broadband programs, $300 million for rural broadband grants, and funds toward telehealth, broadband mapping, and broadband in communities surrounding historically Black colleges and universities.


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That is what frightens me.

I've spoken to quite few of radical environmentalists. The theories are based in philosophy only. Without regard political or economic considerations. SURE we all would like to vegan and allow the rainforest to grow back. Those aren't only impractical, but conflicting interests.

You can't farm soil to feed 10,000,000,000 people without cutting down some rain forest, depleting soil, transportation networks. Etc. I digress.

Plastics are somthing we should to start to tackle now. Fuck the bears in alaska. They can eat as many Styrofoam coffee cups as the want. As long as the salmon that they (and baconz) eat is plastic free.

Its time in the environmental crisis (and even the scientists say) where we say...humans are having problems. Let's take care of that first.

Or maybe "The Great" George Carlin got it right.

Lesser prophecy have been right.https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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thank you my friend

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One of the grad students several years ago announced that organic farming could feed 5 billion people if all agriculture switched over and it would be healthier for humans and the planet. It was quickly pointed out to them that that leaves 3 or so billion people without food.

Practical solutions are the way forward here and plastics absolutely need to be addressed immediately.

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Sorry, no. Nothing should have been in the stimulus bill but the stimulus.

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