Well of COURSE it's hot in California! There's a big fucking fire there heating things up!

That's called 'cause and effect', sheeple! Seriously, get a clue!

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"Winter is coming." -Gandalf

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The GOP has made a point of naming their most ignorant fucktards to the science committees.

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As someone who's spent the last couple days gagging on smoke caused by a 70,000 acre wildfire in drought-stricken California, Congressman Bucshon can go jump in the nearly-dry American River.

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...Global warming turned into Climate change just like:

-Trickle down/Reaganomics changed into Job Creators -Afghanistan changed into Iraq -Monica Lewinsky changed to <strong>BENGHAZI</strong>

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As a 1/8th Native American, I demand that the State of Indiana change its name to either Stupidana or Gooberana.

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Note to Lindsey Graham: This is what will kill us all.

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"I could read that, but I don’t believe it"

See, that's what's so great about faith. Once you know what you believe, you don't have to waste time learning about stuff.

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<i>"Yes, I could read that, but I don’t believe it."</i>

Like evolution, climate change isn't something you "believe in". It's something you know.

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Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.

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I always tell Wingnuts that there IS one US institution that takes climate change VERY seriously - the Pentagon.

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<i>"Yes, I could read that, but I don’t believe it."</i>

I say that about the Bible all the time.

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I, 1/137ths Leni Lenape Princess, concur!

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Yes, those fatcat science oligarchs sure are sucking the economic life out of those wholesome, barely-subsistence energy conglomerates!

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