Mullin seems nice.

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They flipped a coin, and no, it didn't land on it's edge. They were just too blind drunk to see where the coin landed.

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Maybe if the audience began carrying paper mache pitchforks and barrels of tar they might could get a friggin clue. Of course they understand already, but getting them to admit it is like pulling hen's teeth.

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And he can't charge people 200K for membership and presidential access there.

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Being a hermit in the woods isn't a sustainable life choice and some places in the country, those are your only choices.

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Yeah, see, all those years he was paying taxes to fund his future salary as a member of congress, while the rest of us suckers were paying our taxes to fund roads, and schools, and prisons, and bombing the fuck outta Afghanistan and Iraq. Because he is SMRT and we're dumb. :(

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People with work from Carlos Torres or Amanda Wachob could just stand on a street corner and charge people to shake their hands.

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I'm sure he was really proud of himself.I'll bet he's practiced that line in front of the mirror, and couldn't wait to use it.

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Hang on a second asshole: Your plumbing business is still making you money? And you're making more money as a Congressional Critter? Then you ARE NOT paying your own salary. And whether you like it or not, you are a Representative, answerable to a constituency. So quit your fucking bitching, you WATB.

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Meatloaf? Is that you?

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Dear Rep. Mullin: Never been prouder to admit I no longer live in Oklahoma. And your service sucks. Have a great weekend.

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Someone needs to explain to Rep. Mullins what "public service" means (assuming he'll listen).

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Civics 1Fucking01

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Yeah, no one goes to Canada for healthcare.


https://malialitman.files.w...You betchya!

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I'm most impressed with the pretzel logic of a man named "markwayne" who's paid SOOOOOO much in taxes, he's covered his own salary, so he's not working for free, but it's a gift...or something. We're doomed. Thanks failing public education and the politicians who've let it happen. We're a moronic people now.

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For a Republican, that's pretty fucking stellar, actually. he's probably waiting for the Casinos to kick back a little; y'know, so the taxpayers still won't be paying this freight.

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