Oh totally. If I live that long, I plan to be the terror of the nursing home. I'll be the weird old guy listening to the Pogues and doesn't talk to anyone.

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If it wasn't for the fact that my employer requires that I carry a cell (and pays for it), I wouldn't have one at all.

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I'm going to have to rig my cell phone the same way I rigged my old landline answering machine.

You know that three-tone "vacant circuit" signal that the phone company gives you when you dial a number that's not in service? Start your outgoing message with <a href="http:\/\/artofhacking.com\/files\/sounds\/live\/aoh_sit-vc.htm" target="_blank">these three tones</a>. You can follow the tones with your usual "Hi, this is ... " message. Anytime you don't recognize the caller, let voice mail pick up the call.

The robo-calling bastards' computers will automatically hang up and move on to the next victim on the list, before ever getting to the voice message. They actually bail out when they get the first two tones .... you don't even need all three.

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And don't you forget it mister!

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Also don't forget that I'm a patriot...not a hateriot.

I am a patriot I love my country Because my country Is all I know.

I'm not a hateriot I love walking Because a Rascal Moves too slow.

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I hit them with my cane as they speed by. Handicapped, eh? I'll give you something to be handicapped about!

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How very popular it is too!

POPVOX Nation: 0% Support 100% Oppose (5,434 users)

Does Congress get paid in accordance with their disapproval rating, or something?

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I don't answer my phone so I can sing (loudly) along with the ring tones.

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this is probably the funniest idea i have heard all week.

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when i heard he was holding a press conference this morning i thought 'oh he's going to run'.

but no, no, he just wanted the attention. politicians really are actors without talent.

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i can't afford a cell phone so the joke's on them

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me however, i might go with proust.

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Caller ID is your friend. So is turning it off. Yes, I know it limits the functionality of the cell, but we all knew this was going to happen. My answering machine at home is still one of my best friends. It has caller ID...plus it talks. It will tell me who's calling. If it's not a name I want to hear, I don't even get off the sofa.

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Hello, I'm not able to take this call right now, but if you are calling from a political campaign and leave a message that squanders any of my limited call allowance, I swear to God that I will find a way to cost your campaign a similar amount, whether it's by tying up staff members on the phone, making frivolous 1-800 calls, or mailing a brick to your offices postage-due.

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I didn't think this had much chance of being made into law until I saw the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is at the top of the list of endorsing organizations (followed by the American Bankers Association, the Mortgage Bankers Association, and the Consumer Bankers Association).

That is, of course, assuming there's a direct link between corporate lobbying and legislation...


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